GOOD NEWS! Our ShabbaTune! series is ON … and in person!
Funded by the Jewish Community Foundation, THZ will welcome visiting scholar Rabbi Rayzel Raphael the Shabbat of April 1-2.
True to the series name, services (in person and on Zoom) will be filled with plenty of singing!
Pray, sing and rejoice with Rabbi Rayzel (Geela) Raphael during a Renewal Shabbat service on Friday night at 8 followed by an oneg. On Saturday, services/Torah study will be led by Rabbi Emeritus Richard Simon at 10 a.m., followed by an oneg. At 1 p.m. Rabbi Raphael will lead an interactive sing-along workshop focusing on women of the Bible and the Shechinah.
Based in the Greater Philadelphia area, Reb Rayzel is an “unorthodox” visionary musical rabbi. She is available to officiate at lifecycle events and curates programs as director of spiritual arts at Aleph Jewish Renewal. Reb Rayzel is a singer/songwriter/liturgist (with six CDs to her name) and author of two children’s books, Angels for Dreamtime and New Moon. Previously, Reb Rayzel served four congregations and currently is the part-time spiritual leader for Darkaynu. Musical Shabbat services, women’s programs, concerts, and Jewish spiritual travel adventures are her passion.
The events are open to the community and will be presented in person and online. RSVPs are required by April 1 for the in-person event; email the synagogue at or call 609-267-0660. Register for Zoom access here.
Don’t miss this amazing weekend!
Our first ShabbaTune weekend featured Rabbi Ora Weiss of Boston. She shared her vision of Restorahtive Judaism – a return to the religion’s roots that restores each human’s dignity, self-empowerment, potential to choose ever-fuller consciousness and agency.- and lead study on “The Energetic Torah.”