Jan. 17
Shabbat services, 8 p.m. To attend in person, RSVP to rsvp(at)templeharzion.org (non-members must bring photo ID). Register for Zoom access on our Shabbat page.

Jan. 18
Renewal Shabbat services, 10 a.m. To attend in person, RSVP to rsvp(at)templeharzion.org (non-members must bring photo ID). Register for Zoom access on our Shabbat page.

Jan. 19
Third session of Rabbi Adam’s 4-week class on the books of Samuel, 10-11:30 a.m. in person and online. Free to THZ members, $54 for non-members. RSVP to attend in person. More details here.

Jan. 26
Last session of Rabbi Adam’s 4-week class on the books of Samuel, 10-11:30 a.m. in person and online. Free to THZ members, $54 for non-members. RSVP to attend in person. More details here.

Feb. 2
Sacred Encounters: How Dreams and Dream Characters Connect Us to Soul, noon at THZ. Limited to 7 participants. To inquire about registration, email us.

Feb. 3
“Embracing Wisdom” 10-session online course with Cantor Evlyn, 7-8:15.

March 3
“Embracing Wisdom” 10-session online course with Cantor Evlyn, 7-8:15.

March 7
Shabbat Across America at THZ, dinner at 7 p.m., services at 8. RSVP by March 1.

April 7
“Embracing Wisdom” 10-session online course with Cantor Evlyn, 7-8:15.