Temple Har Zion has services for all holidays and festivals, usually following traditional Jewish practice.
Chanukah: THZ is happy to announce our new street-side menorah donated by Steve and Debbie Abrams and THZ Sisterhood. This 6-foot menorah spreads the light of rededication to all who pass by our shul. Our Chanukah celebration always includes homemade sufganiyot and latkes.
Tu B’Shevat: THZ hosts an annual Tu B’Shevat seder where we all come together to learn and celebrate this unique and special day.
Purim: Purim at THZ brings joy and laughter to everyone! Our Purim shpiel gets funnier and funnier each year. Our shalach manot fundraiser is an opportunity for everyone to send blessings of joy to each member of the congregation. Purim = Fun!
Pesach: Passover is a special time at THZ and begins with the congregational kashering of the kitchen event. Passover services are held on the first two and last two days of the festival, and a second seder is held in our social hall for all who want a community seder.
Shavuot: Shavuot services are held for two days and begin with a tikkun leyl (study session) on erev Shavuot
Tisha b’Av:THZ observes Tish b’Av with a meaningful experiential service of mourning, ending with prayers of hope for the future.
High Holidays:Temple Har Zion offers a full slate of High Holiday services. beginning with Selichot. First Day Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are Conservative-style. First day Rosh Hashanah services are followed immediately by an easy walk to the Rancocas Creek for Tashlich. Second day Rosh Hashanah is a Renewal-style service-in-the-round, with drumming, chanting, and other innovative features. This year on Yom Kippur (weather permitting) we return to an old tradition of an afternoon program on nearby Mt. Holly, an easy walk from our building.
Sukkot: Sukkot features a hearty nosh in our own Sukkah!
Simchat Torah: The evening of Simchat Torah features the unrolling of a Torah scroll, held by the congregation as we stand in a circle. It’s always fun to see which section you’ll wind up holding.