Contact us if you are interested in membership information.
The Temple Har Zion family thanks you for your interest in our congregation. Our small congregation is a family; it’s a haimishe environment. We offer traditional Conservative flavor mixed with mysticism and kabbalah, which offers the opportunity for you to explore and develop your own connection with G!d. We invite you to daven (pray) in a way that is most comfortable to you. Religious services and joyous holiday celebrations combine the Conservative tradition with spiritual insights, creating renewed meaning and a depth of experience that helps you “feel” the text and “touch” and “taste” the liturgy.
Temple Har Zion has been serving the Jewish community since 1934. We offer inspirational services, an active Sisterhood, and a growing Adult Education department. We are known for being encouraging and supporting creative spiritual growth and meaningful worship practice.
Temple Har Zion is sensitive to the needs of our congregation and strives to nurture and embrace all who enter into our house of worship. The THZ family is diverse and includes families, singles, Jews by choice, LGBTQ+ folks, and interfaith couples and partners. Our members come from varied Jewish backgrounds.
We hope that through an affiliation and membership with Temple Har Zion, you will discover a renewed connection to Judaism and community that is fulfilling, meaningful and relevant.
Temple Har Zion offers three categories of membership: family, single, and affiliate. We will never turn anyone away for inability to pay their membership dues; payment plans are available.